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Students At Liberty City School Get Free Laptops

MIAMI (CBS4) - Dozens of students sit patiently in their school auditorium for what looks and sounds like the start of a typical school assembly, but these students are about to receive something special.

"A laptop, and it's special because it can help us with our education and have fun while we are learning," T'Sipporah Amores, an excited fifth grader explained to CBS4's Nicole Maristany.

The international non-profit, One Laptop Per Child, has now launched in the states and teamed up with the Knight Foundation to make their first stop Holmes Elementary School in Liberty City.

'It's not bad to be first in the nation," exclaimed Superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools Alberto Carvalho. "It's appropriate. Number one we are the poorest city in America, that's made the biggest academic gains."

Gains the students and teachers here at Holmes have already started to see and hope to continue seeing as students use this new technology.

"Before the laptops I believe there was limited access for my students, some had it, some didn't have internet access or laptops at home, but now with this all of my students will have it and I'm really excited," shared Jennifer Mojica , a fifth grade teacher at the school.

The laptops are built especially for students both inside and out.

"It cannot break if you drop it, it's waterproof and it has plenty of games on it," explained Windell Sweetenbur, a fifth grader.

His classmate, Aja Vega, is looking forward to other things, "You can do your homework, on there, research for science projects and stuff".

With the laptops ready to go, right out the box – these students are anxious to get started.

"All you need to do is look at those kids, they've had the laptops for ten minutes, they're already exploring,  this is giving them a whole new world and an opportunity for equal access," said Alberto Ibargüen, President and CEO of the Knight Foundation.

For more information on the One Laptop Per Child initiative, visit and for more information on the Knight Foundation, visit .

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