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Shoot For Safety With New Year's Fireworks

MIAMI (CBS4) - New Year's Eve is second only to the Fourth of July for fireworks displays. But, before you decide to light up the sky over your house, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue is conducting a fireworks inspections sweep to ensure public safety.

The inspectors will be visiting locations where fireworks are sold to make sure that fireworks vendors are properly certified by the state and are only selling legal fireworks.

Numbers from the National Fire Protection Association found there were more than 10,000 fireworks-related injuries are treated in emergency rooms per year. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue said more than 40 percent of those injuries are children under the age of 15.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue said to remember the following safety tips if you are planning your own fireworks display:

  • Light fireworks in a safe area, such as a driveway or other paved surface.
  • Keep fireworks at least 25 feet away from grassy and vegetated areas.
  • Never attempt to relight or alter malfunctioning fireworks. After allowing them to stand for several minutes, discard in a pail of water. Keep a hose and bucket of water nearby.
  • Light one firework at a time, and move away quickly. Fireworks should never be held or thrown. Remain a safe distance away from the devices.
  • If clothes catch fire, remember to STOP, DROP onto the ground, cover your face, and ROLL over and over until the fire goes out.
  • Always have a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher nearby.
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