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Make Your Own Anti-Aging Remedies

MIAMI (CBS4) - One of the problems of living in the paradise we call South Florida is the damage the sun can do to your skin if you don't take precautions.

Sun damaged skin, broken capillaries and problems below surface, including loss of collagen, can lead to even bigger issues down the line, according to dermatologist Dr. Arial Ostad.

"Loss of collagen, as that accumulates over time you develop sagging skin, leathery skin and skin that is basically thin and skin that has wrinkles on it," said Ostad.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to help reverse some of the damage.

"What we have to do when the season changes is we have to exfoliate some of the dryness on the surface so you can penetrate the hydration better under the skin," said skin care specialist Marina Valmy who added that you don't have to spend a lot of money on fancy products to do this.

Some of the best exfoliates and moisturizers can be found in fruits and vegetables.

"Because they are very fresh and delivering the nutrients and ingredients that your skin really needs on the spot," said Valmy.

For example, eggplant is a great exfoliate, according to Valmy who recommends dipping it in sea salt and then rubbing it on your skin in a circular motion.

"It releases a lot of toxins from the body," said Valmy.

To repair skin damage including burst capillaries Valmy said apply a mixture of coffee. The caffeine helps increase circulations and heavy cream is soothing to the skin. To treat acne, try a mask of cinnamon and yogurt; both have anti-bacterial properties.

To help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, use rose petal extract and chocolate which contain anti-aging properties. A mixture of honey and papaya can help reduce sunspots.

"This is how skin care originally started," said Valmy.

Of course, there are more high-tech options that will reverse summer skin damage.

Ostad some forms of laser treatment and chemical peels work well as do many prescription and over the counter creams which contain high concentrations of age fighting vitamins.

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