Police: Pair Left Roosters, Hens, Goats & Duck Inside Hot Van
MIAMI - (CBSMiami.com) - It sounded like the cries of a child coming from inside a parked van.
But Miami police say what they discovered were eight roosters, four guinea hens, four pigeons, four goats and one duck in distress inside a van left behind by two men in the parking lot of Northwest 37th Avenue and 7th Street Monday afternoon.
Police charged Raul Armenteros, 46, and James Arroyo, 44, with 22 counts of animal cruelty after police were dispatched to the area after passersby reported noises coming out of the van.
Inside, police found four goats "tied up inside plastic bags" with one of the goats dead. About 45 minutes later, Armenteros and Arroyo arrived on the scene and both said they owned the animals.
Instead, police arrested the two men and both were held in Miami-Dade County Jail on $110,000 bond each.
"All the animals in the van appeared to be in distress and lacking of water," police wrote in their report.
Animal control responded and recovered the animals.