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Addiction Therapy Options

Creative art and movement therapies have been widely researched and proven to provide support to those suffering from a wide variety of mental and physical disorders. Movement therapy has been around for thousands of years, while health professionals have been using creative therapies for nearly a century. These specialized addiction therapy techniques have been extremely effective in all ages, and for problems that often go along with drug and alcohol addiction including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Phobias and anger disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Eating disorders


There are also specialized therapies for alcoholism and drug addiction used to strengthen the skills needed for recovery and relapse prevention.

  • Yoga therapy
  • Psychodrama
  • Music therapy
  • Art therapy


Many patients in addiction treatment centers have never experienced art, music, psychodrama, or yoga in a way that can support them physically and emotionally. Each of these is effective for those in therapy for alcoholism or drug addiction.

Addiction Therapy

Each kind of addiction therapy works differently, but the common core effect is that each provides a way for the addict or alcoholic to express internal problems and issues, and come to terms with them. They also teach and reinforce techniques that can be used in relapse prevention.

In addition, clients find real pleasure in what they create or how they feel during the therapeutic process. Some are finding pride, pleasure and a boost in self-esteem for the first time in many years. This is the power of creative arts and movement on the mind, body, and spirit. This kind of addiction therapy can be self-directed after discharge from rehab.

Drug Addiction Therapy

Specialized addiction therapists help guide groups and individuals using art, music, yoga, and psychodrama as vehicles for healthy expression. Drug addiction therapy is often provided in a comfortable indoor setting appropriate to the particular treatment, as well as outdoors, in local parks or the beach.


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