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Major Weekend Traffic Changes For SR 826

MIAMI (CBS Miami) – A major traffic shift is scheduled for this weekend.

Portions of State Road 826 will be impacted beginning Friday night and continuing through Sunday morning.

The closures are to prepare for shifting northbound 826 traffic to the right after Southwest 8th Street onto portions of the new State Road 826.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, all traffic will be shifted back to the existing northbound State Road 826 lanes before reaching State Road 836.

The following closures will take place:

10:00 p.m. Friday, July 26 through 6:00 a.m. Sunday, July 28

- The eastbound and westbound SW 8 Street ramps to northbound SR 826 will be closed.

Eastbound drivers on SW 8 Street going north on SR 826 can:

- Continue eastbound to SW 57 Avenue, turn north

- Enter westbound SR 836 and access the northbound SR 826 ramp

 Eastbound drivers on Southwest 8th Street going east or west on State Road 836 can:

- Continue eastbound to SW 57 Avenue, turn north

- Enter the eastbound or westbound SR 836 ramp

Westbound drivers on Southwest 8th Street going north on State Road 826 can:

- Continue westbound to SW 87 Avenue, turn north

- Enter the eastbound SR 836 ramp to access the northbound SR 826 flyover

Westbound drivers on SW 8 Street going east or west on SR 836 can:

- Continue westbound to SW 87 Avenue, turn north

- Enter the eastbound or westbound SR 836 ramp

10 p.m. Friday, July 26 through 6 a.m. Sunday, July 28

 - The northbound State Road 826 ramp to eastbound and westbound State Road 836, West Flagler Street and NW 72 Avenue will be closed.

Northbound SR 826 drivers going to eastbound SR 836 can:

- Continue north on SR 826

- Exit at NW 25 Street, go west and re-enter SR 826 south

- Access the southbound SR 826 ramp to eastbound SR 836

Northbound SR 826 drivers going to westbound SR 836 can:

- Continue north on SR 826

- Exit at NW 25 Street, go west and re-enter SR 826 south

- Access the southbound SR 826 ramp to westbound SR 836

Northbound SR 826 drivers exiting at West Flagler Street can:

- Continue north on SR 826, exit at NW 25 Street

- Turn west to enter southbound SR 826

- Exit at West Flagler Street 

11:00 p.m. Saturday, July 27 through 6:00 a.m. Sunday, July 28

- All northbound SR 826 lanes will be detoured to SW 8 Street

Northbound drivers on SR 826 continuing north can:

- Exit at SW 8 Street, go west to SW 87 Avenue

- Turn north to access eastbound SR 836

- Access the northbound SR 826 entrance ramp

Northbound drivers on SR 826 going west on SR 836 can:

- Exit at SW 8 Street, go west to SW 87 Avenue

- Turn north to access the westbound SR 836 ramp

Northbound drivers on SR 826 going east on SR 836 can:

- Exit at SW 8 Street, go east to SW 57 Avenue

- Turn north to access eastbound SR 836

Northbound drivers on SR 826 exiting at West Flagler Street can:

- Exit at SW 8 Street, go west to SW 87 Avenue

- Go north on 87 Avenue to connect with West Flagler Street

For more information on the construction click here.

For traffic information click here.

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