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Villains Of The Year

MIAMI (CBS4) - I don't know about you, but I look forward to all the year-end lists.

Today, I've got the Daily Beast's Top Villains of 2011.

Among the villains, you'll find the purely evil... Osama bin Laden and Moammar Qaddafi.

Psychopathic killers... Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner and Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik.

Candidates for the most-hated American: alleged child molester Jerry Sandusky, Casey Anthony and Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray.

The co-winners of my Tiger Woods Cad-of-the-Year Award... Arnold Schwarzenegger, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner and former I-M-F head Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

There are politicians, billionaire felons, Hurricane Irene, News Corporation for the phone-hacking scandal, and N-B-A Commissioner David Stern for the lockout.

But the Kardashians?  Just because of Kim's possible scam of a marriage?  Do we really care?

And then there's the truly scary... Harry Potter's "He-who-must-not-be-named" Lord Voldemort.  Aren't we glad he's gone?

Click Herefor the full list.

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